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Textbooks-Fall 2018 (redirected from Textbooks-Fall2014)

Page history last edited by abogado 6 years, 3 months ago




Eagles Landing Bookstore 







  Classes Start: 2/5/18

For Calendar Activities and Syllabus see http://lamission.org 

online textbook chapters  

rent textbook for a semester

Eagles Landing Bookstore LAMC


LAW 001 17358
Internet - 16 weeks  Jordan
Bus Law - 14th ed
LAW 001 17361 On Campus - 8 weeks 
8/27/18 - 10/21/18
CMS 030 Weds. 6:50 - 10 PM
TBA Bus Law - 14th ed
LAW 002 0369 Internet - 16 weeks Morinaka Bus Law - 14th ed
LAW 010


On Campus - 8 weeks 
10/22/18 - 12/16/18
CMS 030 Weds. 6:50 - 10 PM
Bus Law - 14th ed
LAW 011 17471 Internet - 16 weeks  Jackman Calif. Civil Lit - 5th ed
LAW 012 17483 Internet - 16 weeks Rose Emanuel Torts Outline (print out) 
LAW 013 17491 Internet - 8 weeks
8/27/18 - 10/21/18
Lampert Internet Materials
LAW 016 17498 Internet - 16 weeks
Evidence for Paralegals - 4th ed. 
LAW 017 10098 On Campus - 8 weeks 
8/27/18 - 10/21/18
CMS 023 Tues.  6:50 - 10 PM

Soledad ebook -

Foundations of Legal Research and Writing, 5th Edition

LAW 018 10115 On Campus - 8 weeks 
10/22/18 - 12/16/18
CMS 023 Weds. 6:50 - 10 PM

Calif. Family Law - 6th ed.
LAW 019 10126 Internet - 16 weeks   TBA Bus Law - 14th ed
LAW 020 10133 Internet - 16 weeks  Gudino How to Probate an Estate in Calif - 22nd ed

LAW 034

updated: 6/21/18

10165 Internet- 16 weeks  De La Garza 

Internet materials 




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