Due Dates
law 17 classwork
Law 34-content

Law 17 - Legal Writing
syllabus - calendar -classwork-teams-agendas -cases law17- LPR(rtf) - LRP(pdf)
Law 17 - Section # 3305 - Meets Weds.6:50 - 8:15 pm - CSB 203 David Jordan, Esq. - (Prof J) - email: abogado@pacbell.net, jordandc@lamission.edu - cell phone 818-415-2015 - school phone - 818-364-7720 - Office Hours: Tues.Weds: 4-5pm - main lawpage = lamission.edu/law - textboook - Lexis-Nexis
Grading breakdown: Tests (30%), Assignments (30%), Final Research Paper (25%), Class Participation (LRPs and Team Presentations) (15%) - Spring Break 4/7 - 4/13
Class 3 - 2/26/14
Klayman v Obama Teams due 2/26
NY Stop and Frisk -LPR due 2/26
Class 4 - 3/5/14
Hispanic Interest Coalition v Governor of Alabama - Teams Due 3/5
Little v State of Florida (Stand your Ground case)
Class 5 - 3/12/14
Snyder v. Phelps- Teams Due 3/12
Osama Bin Laden Photos LPR Due 3/12
Class 6 - 3/19/14
Melgar v. Greene - Teams due 3/19
Luke Gannon v State of Kansas LPR due 3/19
Class 7 - 3/26/14
Nicastro - Teams due 3/26
Youkers v State of Texas - LPR due 3/26
Class 8 - 4/2/14
Illinois v Melongo - Teams due 4/2
LPR - People v Belous case (part of Legal Memo) - due 4/2/14
Class 9 - 4/16/14
American Meat Institute - Teams and LPR due 4/16
LPR - Mobaldi case
Class 10 - 4/23/14
Fernandez v California - Teams and LPR due 4/23
Class 11 - 4/30/14
Bring in Outline for your paper and "rough draft of your paper" to review with Prof. Edna
no LPR - no Team Presentations
Class 12 - 5/7/14
Lane v Franks - Teams and LPR due 5/7
Class 13 - 5/14/14
TBA - Teams and LPR due 5/14
Legal Writing Documents (8)
Test #B Legal Demand Letter
Test #C Demand Letter
Test #D - Legal Opinion Letter
Test #E Legal Argumentation instructions-argumentation
Test #G Legal Memorandum
Test #H Mandatory Settlement Conference Statement - msc-brief
Test #I Motion for Summary Judgment
Test #J Standard Complaint
Final Paper (9)
#1 How to Write an A+ Paper
#2 Finding a Legal Topic
#A Legal Writing in Plain English
Post Topic for your final paper
#9 Post Research Topic and Preliminary Information on your Legal Writing Paper
Test #F Post your thesis for your Legal Writing Paper -
Test #K - Post the Outline - law17-outline - of your final legal writing project -
Test #L Post your "footnotes" or "end notes" - law17-footnotes - complete case citations, and not just internet websites -
Test # M - Post your Final Legal Writing Project - law17-final-paper -
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