Due Dates - Law 20 - Probate Procedures - Summer 2008 - Session A - starts 6/09, ends 7/13 - 5 weeks - Prof. Elise Lampert - Section #0128
Prof Elise Lampert - Probate Law - Fact Pattern for All Probate Forms - Fax all forms to Prof. Lampert at 800-863-4143 - probate forms
http://lamission.edu/law - look at classwiki - http://probatelaw.pbwiki.com - important dates - probate-resources - see course description - http://www.lamission.edu/disciplines/law.html - textbook - http://lamission.edu/law/textbooks - How to Probate a California Estate - Nolo Press - 14th, 15th, 16th or 17th editions are all fine. If you can get the 14th cheaper amazon.com
Work in law 20 is due on Sundays at 11:55 pm - no late work please -
All of the work below is done under moodle
Week 1 - Due 6-15-08
Week 2 - Due 6-22-08
Week 3 - Due 6-29-08
- read chp. 7 "taxes"
- #8 prepare DE-147 for "Duties of the Administrator"
- read hp. 8 "transferring title to real property"
- Review probate rules chp 10 - part 1, 2, 3, and 4
- #9 - prepare DE -150 "Letters" - under "assignments"
- #10 - Petition for Waiver - under "assignments"
Week 4 - Due 7-06-08
- read chp. 9 "transfer of securities"
- Forum Discussion - TBA
- #11 - prepare DE -157 Notice of Administration
- Test D - Chp. 8, 9 & 10
- read chp. 10 "joint tenancy property"
- #12 - prepare DE -160 Inventory and Appraisal
- read chp. 11 - "transferring small estates"
- #13 - prepare DE -161 Inventory and Appraisal and Attachment #1 - see sample - click here
- Test E - chp. 11, 12 & 13
Week 5 - Due 7-13-08
- read chp. 12 - "transferring trust property"
- Forum Discussion - TBA
- #14 - prepare Petition for Final Distribution
- read chp. 13 - "overview of the probate court process"
- #15 - prepare Order of Final Distribution
- read chp. 14 - "Conducting a simple probate"
- Test F - chp. 14 & 15
Scores and Grades
Tests - 25% of your grade
Assignments - 25% of your grade
Probate Forms - 40% of your grade
Discussion Forums - 10% of your grade - entered at the end of the session
*************total percentage 100%
A = 90%
B = 80 - 89%
C = 70 - 79%
D = 69% or below
A grade of C or greater is required to pass the class
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