
Marbury v Madison


1.  Read information about Marbury v. Madison at

2.  Look at Judicial review at

3.  Read Marbury v. Madison  

Answer the following question, YES or NO, and then give your reasoned analysis, quoting parts of the case

A.  YES or NO and give reason - Is Marbury entitled to his commission?

B. YES or NO and give reason -  Does Section 13 of the Judiciary Act authorize the Court to issue a writ of mandamus?

C. YES or NO and give reason -  Is Section 13 of the Judiciary Act constitutional?

D. YES or NO and give reason -   If Section 13 of the Judiciary Act is unconstitutional, does the Supreme Court have the power to declare it void?


Substantial points deducted if you do not follow the instructions above carefullly.


good Luck.


Prof J.