"How to Study Law" and "Readling Like a Lawyer"
Read the article on "How to Study Law" at http://profj.us/studylaw
Also read "Reading like a lawyer" at http://profj.us/reading.htm . Do this even if you have done it in another class. Post three (3) things you learned which will help you to study law and read law cases better in this class.
Remember in each assigment there is usually a "case" which is given, or cited. You MUST read and understand these cases and use them in answering your assingments. Please do not start out with "It is my opinion" instead quote the legal rules, the facts, and the Court finding (i.e. who won the case). It is very good to start out with who won the case and why - that makes your instructor happy. Also do not just copy and paste phrases from the case, you must paraphrase and use your own words along with the "court words" or "key words" from the case, which you should put in "quotation marks" -
Any questions contact your online instructor at http://lamission.edu/law/lawfaculty.htm
Post all of your forum discussions work under your moodle classroom, and not here under this website.
Good luck. Prof J.
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