If you are new to canvas or online classes, look at the below information:
watch this video
it should help explain
and also this information about canvas
Getting Started in Canvas: Students
Login directions:
Set Up Your Canvas Profile:
Add a preferred email address if you have one:
Set your notification preferences:
Learn to Use Canvas Video Link:
What to do if your login fails:
Instructions for logging into the PeopleSoft/SIS system for the first time can be found at:
As of August 21, 2017 you will log in to Canvas with the same information that you use to access PeopleSoft:
Canvas Login ID: Your Student ID number (ex: 881234567 or 991234567)
Canvas Password: Your password for the new PeopleSoft SIS system
If you cannot reset your own SIS password, you need to contact Admissions & Records to begin the password reset process. Admissions & Records
Important Notes:
- Most instructors don’t make Canvas courses accessible until the first day of the term.
- It can take up to 24 hours after you add a class for your account to become active in Canvas.
If you are able to log in to Canvas but cannot access your course, verify that you are on your instructor's Canvas roster. There are occasional delays between updates on the official roster and the student accounts on the Canvas site. The instructor will be able to tell you if you appear on this roster
Ready for Online Study?
Should I take an online class?
Take this personal quiz to determine if you are a good candidate to become an online student:
- I have access to a computer.
- I like working independently by reading on my own and understanding the material.
- I will take the time to research using the online library.
- I will take the time to use online tutoring services when I need help.
- I will make an appointment with my instructor if I need help with my studies.
- I will review the Canvas Training Orientation video until I fully understand how to maneuver through the learning management system.
- I have good time management so that I do not complete my homework on the deadline day.
- I am not taking more than 12 units.
- I have four (4) to nine (9) hours per week to work in an online course (1 to 3 unit classes)
- I do not have too many outside obligations that would not let me focus.
- I am disciplined enough to dedicated time to reading material, submitting discussions, replying to peers, and any other required work for an online class.
- I prefer doing quality work and not “rush” work.
- Even if I’m very busy during the week with work, children, activities, and so forth, I will always make quality time to meet the requirements for the online class.
- I am committed to finishing what I start.
If you answered no to one or more questions, you might not be ready to take an online class. Think about taking an on-ground class for better college success. If you answered "Yes" to all of the questions, continue to read below to learn more about what will be expected of you as an online student.
What do I do once I am registered?
- View the Canvas Online Orientation Training Video at
- Once you have access to your online class, maneuver through it to get familiar with what you have learned from the Canvas Orientation Video.
- Know how to
- Upload and download documents
b.Retrieve/send emails
- Find announcements
- Retrieve/send assignments (ATS tab)
- Follow CourseMaps and Modules
- Review the gradebook
- Use the library resource link
- Retrieve information from these sources
- Retrieve syllabus
- Understand all of the links in the navigation bar.
- Success in an Online class:
- Read all announcements
- Follow the syllabus
- Do all assignments
- Meet weekly deadlines
- Participate regularly
- Post/Reply to discussions
- Spend 4 to 6 hours per week doing course work
- Read the required textbook
- Send Private Messages (PM) to instructor when unsure.
- Meet all requirements
- Think of quality, not just quantity
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